Friday, February 09, 2007

2nd block for Dee's quilt

This block combined two challenges for me. First off it was another block for Dee's quilt and secondly it used a package of bits & pieces that was part of Magpie's Challenge, the challenge being to use them all in a block. Once again I had fun with the seams - the challenge from Magpie's goodies for me was using this much lace. I don't ordinarily use much lace so it was something different for me. Not that hard though since everything Magpie sent was beautiful! In the center of this block is a black cat done using waste canvas. He has a tiny little bell around his neck so the birds will be warned when he is coming. He was modelled after Dee's cat, Gonzo, who sadly passed away soon after I made this block. He was notorious for planting himself in the middle of whatever quilting Dee was doing and quite often made an appearance in any pictures of her work she showed us.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

1st block for Dee's Quilt

A little while back I had the privilege of being part of a group making a love quilt for a dear friend, Dee. Everyone put their talents together and in the end were able to present Dee wuth a great quilt full of love and meaning.
This is the first block I did for Dee's quilt. This one was to commemorate her wedding.To explain the symbolism, the guitar I did in outline stitch on the piano fabic patch is because Dee played the guitar at her wedding. In fact she played it so much that suddenly they became aware the guests had all gone home and they were still playing! The locket has a photo inside of Dee and Lou in their wedding finery. There are a couple charms - a set of wedding rings as well as a clock - wishing them many yars of happiness together. The yellow flowers symbolize Dee's wedding bouquet. The snowflakes are to remind them of the magic of the snowy night sky when they came outside that evening. Other than that there are lots of hearts and flowers for romance! lol I enjoyed making this block for Dee and being part of her quilt. I also had a lot of fun expeimenting with the seam treatments on this block - taking myself a little bit out of my comfort zone of herringbone and cretan stitch.

Two weeks of flu over!

Wow - what a killer flu that was! I have been down and out for a couple weeks now and am just finally feeling myself again! Next year I will save myself the grief and get my flu shot like I'm supposed to! lol

Haven't been stitching while feeling poorly, so will show some older work to get back in the swing of things...