DYB Block

August 2, 2006
This is a 6" block I have just embellished for Debbie in a Round Robin at CQI. This is a DYB, or Do Your Block, Round Robin. Each participant has made six little 6" blocks and sent them out. As they progress though the five members of the Round Robin each participant chooses one block and completely embellishes it before passing it on. I enjoyed stitching this little block more than any other I have done recently. I was unable to put it down! So, thanks to Debbie for making such lovely blocks!
This block had a Victorian feel to it and seemed to call for flowers and insects so that it what I did. I used waste canvas to cross stitch a little butterfly on the pink square. Up at the top I made a dragonfly - this is one of my favourite little beaded motifs from an older issue of CQMagOnline. On the central fabric I followed the lead of some of the already completed blocks in this set and outlined the roses and leaves with a highlight of beads. A spider and her web as well as a couple dizzy little butterfly beads completed the wildlife of this block. I had a lot of fun experimenting with seam treatments - different colours and combinations of stitches. LOL - can you tell how much I loved this block?